I used to get this error message in my log (s. attached screenshot):
"com.skype.skype[] com.apple.console WirelessAttach: IOServiceOpen error: e00002c7"

After this error occurs certain times my wireless connections used to get disconnected and only a reboot could help to get the wireless connection to work properly. My airport app couldn't even see the SSID name. I was seeking for solutions online, but couldn't find any dependence between Skype and WirelessAttach IOServiceOpen error. Then I checked my preferences on Skype and came across a checked option in Preferences -> Erweitert. I unchecked the first option "Skype Access zur Verbindung mit Drahtlosnetzwerken verwenden" and checked for errors in error log. I monitored the error log for 2 days and couldn't notice any errors like that. Furthermore my internet connection seems to get stable.

Skype verion:
Mac OS X: 10.6.7 (10J869)